FCC Impact

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FCC Colombia


Transforming Communities


The impact of our methodology

We work as a team with companies and organizations to develop projects where competitive football and the football for peace methodology help to generate propitious spaces for reflection on values and life skills, such as respect, honesty, teamwork, resilience. FCC delivers its methodology, operating in different regions of the world!

The power of football to change lives

FCC, the Inter-American Development Bank and the strategy After La Perla, in Pescaíto, Santa Marta neighborhood, Colombia, involves all community actors in different phases for their empowerment and leadership.
Know the reasons that make engaged parents motivated children.
In this way we maintain 100% schooling in the community!

Measurement Result and Impact

We are convinced that soccer is a powerful tool that can make a difference for children and young people. That is why FCC measured its impact with CAF, the Latin American Development Bank, through an experimental study in Barranquilla, Colombia, gathering evidence of the benefit of soccer practice and the development of skills in children and young people.